Thursday, November 3, 2011

Winter Reading

Since winter is knocking at the door and the gardening pit stop months aproach, I have ordered two new books to make the waiting sweet and usefull:

Russell Page' absolut classic " The Education of a Gardener"
 and Michael Pollan's "The Botany of Desire" which I am really looking forward to, since I've really      enjoyed "Second Nature" an elegant and witty book.


  1. Mi-am notat titlurile si o sa caut, sa vad ce exista pe-aici, dar ... slabe sperante . Tu de unde le cumperi ? Pina la urma, o sa comand la Amazon ...

  2. si eu tot Amazon! e o tentatie unica...

  3. Intai astept recenziile tale la ele, si apoi poate intra si in biblioteca mea!

  4. au sosit cartile! pana la recensie insa va recomand toate cele scrise de Henry Mitchell si " The Gardener's Yearbook" de Karel Capek. eu le recitesc periodic, de placere...
