Monday, November 7, 2011

Formal gardens with a modern twist

November signs a slow down in the normal garden activity, so there is lots of time to dedicate to garden books, put some order in our holliday pictures and think about all the gorgeuos gardens we have seen lately or that we plan to visit next. It usually is also a time we wildly dream and schetch projects for our garden and plants in general.

So here are two, in my humble opinion, magnificent French formal gardens which add a touch of modern to the classical scheme of a "jardin à la française" with some interresting ideas to borrow...

 Manoir d'Eyrignac - Dordogne

Parterre à la française with three degrading box dots at the bottom.
 The recent White Garden with two Japanese inspired red gates and white Guirlande d'Amour roses trailed on chains. The rest of the plants were white petunias and ghaura, rosemarry and box.

Chateau de Marqueyssac -Vezac, Perigord
 Intricatedly sculpted box parterres ( btw at Marqueyssac there is a remarcable collection of Buxus sempervirens of different varieties)

For all who want to know more about:


  1. Grozave sculpturile vii, trebuie, ca au o armata de gradinari. Si gradina alba, arata magnific ! Mersi, de plimbare !!!

  2. magnificent gardens I had the pleasure to visit, I like your blog good job
    Un Saludo

  3. Je connais bien ces deux jardins! Il y a quelque chose de trop guindé, de figé à Eyrignac. Les visites guidées obligatoires y sont eut-être pour quelque chose. Eyrignac a la souplesse, la douceur que le premier n'a pas.
