Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Winter shelter for Plumerias

 Photo. Virtual Plumeria Org.

Four years ago I started some Plumerias from seed. I loved the idea of the imemnsely lush flowers and fragrance  - admittedly it was a moment of botanical weakness when I started quite a collection of topical trees - and apart an temporary insane impulse to own any kind of madly flowering exotic plant, it was a totally un reasonable and non recommendable experience, unless you do not aim to plant an arboretum of your own. Most of the seedlings grew much quicker and bigger than I originally expected, so I had to beg friends to accept/adopt exotic gifts since I could hardly grow 25 (!) Jacarranda babies - on their way to becoming young trees, not to speak of the magnificent but fierce and thorny Chorisias...

 Pictures: Jacaranda, Chorisia, Australian Flame Tree, Araucaria Bidwilii(Bunya Bunya),

 I somehow imagined that since they were "exotic" they necessarily were finicky and delicate to start, but left alone some very slow palms all the others proved to sprout and thrive quite enthusiastically.
In the end I was forced to give up quite a part of my young collection ( it was not so a good idea to try and grow Bunya Bunya trees in a very small town garden...) and kept only a couple of special darlings.
The two Plumerias definitely were among them! They are as easy to grow as weeds, provided they do not suffer cold and wet weather! Mine have been exposed to the  mild winters of Barcelona and did quite well. They regularly lost all their leaves and were a bit slow to start in the spring but otherwise behaved nicely. Since they are similar to succulent plants they abhore wet feet and are best planted in rich permeable soil. A nice supply of organic fertilizer during the growing period and that's it.
This year's leaves have been particularly lush so I decided to bring them indoors and see if next spring they will make a decisive grow step and thus maybe start to flower...

For all those who might be interested in trying to grow Plumerias here are some usefull sites: - Semillas las Plamas , who has got a very seductive offer of exotic seeds and very usefull instructions


  1. Piękne kwiaty.Niestety u nas w ogrodzie by nie rosły :-(. Pozdrawiam

  2. Sint foarte, foarte frumoase !
    Si ce-mi place jacaranda ... Stii, aveam si eu planuri cu ceva pomisori din astia, sa ii fac bonsai, fiinca n-am loc, sa ii plantez in gradina. Mi-am revenit la realitate si am achizitionat trandafiri ...
    Ma pui pe ginduri ...

  3. Plumeria ramane destul de mica: 3-4 metri in gradina si mult mai mica in ghiveci! asa ca fara grija! ceilalti nu te sfatuiesc... sunt pomi in toata legea! :-))

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Tom!
    Actually I tried both versions, overwintering them indoors and outside.
    Basically no difference... they lost all the leaves, got really unsightly indoors too, so at this stage I decided to keep them outside. The only time I rushed them in was in 2010 when we had snow in Barcelona! Do you remember that one? I lost a couple of other plants, but the Plumerias survived.
    It takes them a very long time to bring out the new leaves - they start only in june(!!!) and are quite nice by october...
    Never understood why!?! Mines still do not give any signs of flowerbuds, but since I grow them from seeds it might take quite a while.

    All the best
