Friday, June 14, 2013

Seasonal disaster

Dear folks, I haven't been posting for an awful long time now....

Some very nasty (and much longer than initially previewed) facade renovation works - distressed my dear little plants - so this season there will be little going on on my terrace.
So sad this might be - from a gardener's point of view, of course - my dear green babies are slowly recovering.
After month on end with barely any light, now the weakened creatures have to stand a terrible red mites attack. I wonder if this will have an end?
Meanwhile, while waiting for some sparing blooms I send you all my greetings in form of this funny cartoon about cats and gardening:


  1. Imi pare rau pentru plantele tale dragi ... sa stii, ca anul asta e tare favorabil insectelor si ciupercilor si parazitilor de tot felul. Si la mine in gradina se desfasoara o lupta acerba, deloc favorizata de vreme ... Paianjeni rosii inca n-am avut, dar e sigur ca vor apare de cum se instaleaza caldura. Curaj, o sa trecem si peste asta :)

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