Friday, December 28, 2012

Incredible Nature

Some absolutely incredible bugs I found on Pinterest. (
The pictures are not mine ( I wish I could do that...) but these jewel like insects are just as beautiful as can be!!!
Makes me want to include a "be good to all bugs" clause on my new year's resolutions list...

We will see when time comes and the first sawflies, caterpillars, aphids show up...

 gold beetle
 European oil beetle - Meloe proscarabaeus

Death’s Head caterpillars, Acherontia atropos

Dagger Moth
Jewel Beetle ? New Guinea

Metallic Mechanitis butterfly chrysalis,

You can follow more about plants and nature on my pinterest boards:
Chlorophyll & Co. :
Garden Design:
My Plant Library:


  1. These are all really amazing! The death head caterpillars, a pink moth.....and I should like to have the gold beetle as a brooch, haha. But I think I don't want them in my garden.

    1. hahah Janneke! Neither do I, but I would still like them better than the voracious and much more modest ones that I have arround...if one could choose! On general basis , I pray for ladybugs and end up with sawflies and regular green caterpilars... All the best for the comming year!!

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  3. Molto bello! Ho grandi difficoltà con la lingua inglese... ma il blog è bellissimo!

    1. grazie mille! mi fa un grandissimo piacere il tuo commento Vitamina.
      Comunque c'è una funzione di traduzione sul blog ( spero che compaia sulla pagina) quindi puoi tradurre tutti i testi in italiano.
