Sunday, September 16, 2012

What's Blooming Now - September

Not much is going on right now among my plants...
The blasting heat of August  turned all activity down and I am quite confident that the gentle Indian summer will infuse some new energy!
Miss Julia Correvon, a lovely and very reliable clematis is preparing herself - or so at least I hope, for a new cloud of curly deep bordeaux flowers... though right now she looks a bit ragged.

The only bloomer on duty is a white climbing rose with a huge growing habit, which I rooted from a cutting and I do not remember what it actually is?!
Rosarians out there do you have an idea???

It blooms with bunches of 4 cm small ruffled flowers of a milky white hue. Some buds are infused with a very pale shade of pink which disappears when they open.

The flowers open completely , revealing the golden stamen. They are sweetly scented reminding apple blossoms which result quite attractive to all sorts of bees, tiny wasps and flies of all kinds.

The leaves are quite pointed and mate, light green.

Unfortunately this rose was the only one to suffer a massive sawfly attack ( of which I have written in a previous post) which will necessarily lead to pretty severe pruning in order to get rid of the branches which got scorched by the fly larvae.

Though far away from any blooming intentions (!!!) my Plumerias produced an impressive bunch of glossy, healthy leaves and even branched out! OK, it took them basically all summer to do so, but since the result is farely pleasing... so be it!


  1. Tot e bine, ca infloreste ceva :)
    La mine a plouat doua zile si in sfirsit, o sa pot incepe activitatea de toamna, ca in pamintul tare ca piatra nu-mi venea sa pun nici un fel de seminte.
    Nu stiu ce trandafir e frumosul tau alb-roz dar e minunat.
    Spor la treaba in gradina si o seara frumoasa de duminica !

    1. Heiii! Dani, ce placere ...
      Si tie spor la treaba ca de abia acum reincepe munca ca sa ne putem bucura la primavara ;-)

  2. Following back from your comment....I was interested to see the Plumeria for the first time, just been reading about Charles Plumier, and Tournefort who named this plant for him (Book called la Planete des Fleurs, about French plant collectors).

    1. Nice you stopped by! well, what I can tell you is that I fell in love with Plumerias on a trip to Australia, where they bloom in every tiny front garden...
      I bought seeds from a really interesting seed nursery called Semillas Las Palmas and they were really easy to germinate. The only thing is that my two dwarfs are quite slow ... and do not give any sign of blooming intentions, so far! It is also true that I have been challenging them in mostly overwintering them outdoors. I live in Barcelona and the climate is pretty mild but not subtropical... so they are maybe hardening themselves but slowly!!!
      Have a nice day
