Saturday, June 23, 2012

What's blooming now: Hydrangea Macrophilla

Here I confess my immoderate love for Hydrangeas of all types and fashions... huge mop-heads, lacy paniculatas, creamy and lime coloured Annabelles and majestic H. Petiolaris - the climbing giant one!
Now, living in Barcelona does not necessarily make the best premisses for growing this shade and moisture loving plants.

Never the less, a gardener is a notoriously stubborn creature with an iron hard faith in his capabilities and a pronounced taste for defying nature and rules atogether! So this is the prelude to my obstinate attempt to grow hydrangeas in this sun baked area - otherwise much better suited for Bougainvillea and other sun lovers...
On a trip to France I fell under the spell of almost 3 metres high growing macrophillas - which adorned a stone wall. I had to have that!!! An irrational urge - in spite of not having a stonewall nor the cool, damp place to go with it, led me to taking cuttings ( which had to survive the long way home).
Vite fait! the barren bits of branches where taken back home and planted in pots.

A couples of years - and many, many buckets of water later, this is the result:

Was I wrong to try? Over 40 heads on each plant were a copious reward for my beeing so stubborn.
And I love my French girls...

A nice week end to every one!

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