Sunday, May 13, 2012

What's blooming now: Rose Hot Cocoa

My only modern  Floribunda Rose Hot Cocoa has 10 gorgeous buds! 
After a very bad year, I suppose due to a sort of virus which killed most of the bush, followed by a drastic pruning - she is gaining her health again.
I do not grow moderns - this is my only concession - due to its unusual brickred colour fading to a sort of silvery maroon. Hard to describe and even more difficult ( for my very poor photographic skills) to show the proper shade... 

I quite like this shade because it is not too showy, quite subtle and it mixes well with bronze and orange shades foliage like Heucheras Caramel . I tried it next to some very dark blue -almost indigo spires of a Salvia Farinacea and the result was quite pleasing.

It is actually quite a healty growing rose ( a part from this viral incident) with very glossy foliage and a bit of perfume.
Floribunda Hot Cocoa was obtained by Carruth in 2003. (PP15155, aka WEKpaltlez, Hot Chocolate)


  1. O culoare intriganta, mai ales in ultima fotografie. Da, merge bine cu albastru-indigo. Si cu o clematita azurie sau liliachie ar face casa buna.

  2. Dani mi-ai dat O IDEE! Acum am o scuza sa caut o clematita...
    ramane de vazut unde o mai inghesui ?!
