Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Muguet de mai

Today, the 1st of May, French people use to give each other  bunches of Lily of the Valley . This costom is said to date back to the 16th century and is a luck bringer .

Though if you want to give the Lily of the Valley ( Convallaria majalis) a place in your garden, Cotswold Garden Flowers carries an amazing variety. You can find botanical species as the C. Transcaucasica or hybrids in pink, variegated or double forms.
 Easy to grow, give it a shaded place and forget about it. In a couple of years you will have a nice meadow of Convallaria growing all by itself.

So who can resist to this lovely luckbringer at this stage?

 Convallaria majalis Rosea

 Convallaria Majalis Variegata

 Concallaria Majalis Prolificans

Cotwold Farden Flowers: www.cgf.net, UK

So here is lily of the valley for you!


  1. Uwielbiam konwalie. Dzisiaj w ogródku zerwałam pierwsze do wazonika. Nie widziałam jeszcze takich, jak na Twoim ostatnim zdjęciu. Pozdrawiam i dziękuję za miłe odwiedziny.
    I love the lilies of the valley. Today in the garden, first broke the vase. I have not seen yet, such as in your last picture. I greet and thank you for your kind visit.

  2. Ce frumoaseeee !!! Si cele cu frunze variegate imi plac enorm ... Nu stiam, ca exista atit de multe varietati.
    Pe-aici sint rare lacrimioarele, nu-mi amintesc sa le fi vazut crescind prin gradini. Eu am facut o incercare si am plantat citeva anul trecut, acum sint ascunse printre degetei ...

  3. LOVELY PICS:) I really like your blog and I want to follow, do you have twitter or facebook??

    If you want some swedish decor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
    Have a great week.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

    1. Thank's for stopping bu Maria! yess you can find me on FB too - check for garden at heart by rosa complicata.
      I will definitely have a look at your blog.


  4. Beautiful! I miss lily-of-the-valley, and I am glad you are enjoying yours.

    1. Alas Masha not all are mine! But you are right, it is always a pleasure to spot the first ones in the garden.
