Friday, January 13, 2012

Flower Curtain

Since there is little to do in the garden, here is a truly amazing Bougainvillea at the Casa de los Pilatos in Seville, Spain.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Winter Roses

Few plants can claim such a massive interest over the past years as the Winter or Christmas Rose - Helleborus in all it's varieties. From allmost ignored wild beauty it has gained a diva status among our beloved plants.
Though I tend to be a bit sceptical about fashionable plants ( alas sadly enough it happens a lot with dog races as well ) I must admit that the rediscovery of the Winter Rose as a garden plant is one of the most welcome.

Besides it's absolute grace it is one of the very few plants which brave the cold and the snow - announcing us the ever returning miracle of spring! To all garden lovers it reminds that the renaissance of blooms is to come, and that underneath the snow blanket, nature is at work - as busy as ever, it just takes a keener eye to discover it!

for all who want to know more: